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FAR FROM HOME - journey and adventure

Far From Home: a podcast made on the move, as host Scott Gurian ventures off the beaten path to far-flung parts of the planet.

On his journeys, he meets fascinating people and dives head first into adventures along the way.

In the show's first season, Scott tells the story of an 11,000 mile road trip he took from London to Mongolia in tiny car, raising money for charity. That's a whopping 18 countries!!

Trips are more exciting when things go wrong

More on Scott

Before this podcast, Scott Gurian spent two decades working in radio and online reporting, where he helped produce talk shows, anchored live broadcasts, did investigative reporting, and covered breaking news and other stories from the field.

Scott has featured on NPR, the BBC, and dozens of public radio programs and stations across the United States. Now, of course, on Podcast Radio!

Scott's reporting has taken him around the world, including to Cuba, Haiti, Iran, and Mongolia.


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